Netextender SSL error Sonicwall OS 5.9+


With the newer sonicwall 5.9+ os, there’s minor differences when you setup the SSL VPN from previous OS.

Not so tricky, but, when I try to login from a windows 8.1 machine I face an SSL error with the self signed ?

please make sure the server has valid certificate …

You need to change the following settings :

SSL VPN -> Server Settings -> Check Enable Server Cipher Preferences -> Select : 3DES_SHA1.


Reconnect and work….. Cheers..
FYI on the Mac the connection was working with the default settings.


Hyper-V on Vmware and Hyper-V Tips and Trick


I’m using VMware for now nearly 10 years. I heard a lot of nice feature of Hyper-V. Now I will jump into it and share some discovery.

First, I’m Vmware, so I want to have Hyper-V run on my VMware workstation. Thanks to another tech – blogger, (I will not take the credit)

Also I wanted to create template, but I don’t have System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM).

First read it’s always “Best Practices”

Stay tune, all tips I found I will share.


SQL Server Installation Error Language FR / French


You have a french OS, all in french, you download SQL Server in French, you start the setup and you face this error :

This SQL Server setup media does not support the language of the OS, or does not have the SQL Server English-language version installation files. Use the matching language-specific SQL Server media; or install both the language specific MUI and change the format and system locales through the regional settings in the control panel.

Don’t panic, you check all your regional settings, your in French (Canada)…. Why it’s not working…..  I don’t know, but change all your regional settings to French (France). Start the setup, install and enjoy.

Put back your regional setting back to french canada after the setup.

Thanks Microsoft,


SSH KEY Authentication Linux How To


If you want to have a workstation with (Linux or Mac) to SSH into a server without a passphrase, this is how you can do it.

On your workstation generate a “key” with ssh-keygen


This will create a id_rsa and under your home dir/.ssh

mac : /Users/your_account/.ssh/
linux : /home/your_account/.ssh/

id_rsa : this is your private key, you keep it safe on your machine!! : this is the key you copy to each server you want to authenticate without a password.

Copy the to the server, you can use scp for that

scp /Users/your_account/.ssh/

WARNING : the must be copy under the account you want to authenticate on the server. So if normally on your server you log in as root (not recommend), you will copy the under the root.

WARNING2 : I strongly suggest you rename the on the target for because a file can already exist and might be overwritten.

Now. The is on the server.
SSH to the server (yes with your credential, for the last time ;))

You need to import your key into a special file called authorized_keys

with the scp command I copied the file into the root.

cd /root/.ssh/

now import the into the authorized_keys

cat >> authorized_keys

Quit your current ssh.

Retry ssh with :


No password should be asked.