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I will not take the credit for this, but it’s happen several time to me windows New HP Tower / Laptop with Windows 7 Pro 64 bits.

Thanks for SpiceWorks Community


Make sure you have SP1 installed

Most people have media with SP1 already in it, but if yours is older it may not be included. If not, install it before anything else.

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Install IE11

Some of the MS pages don’t work correctly with older versions of IE so getting IE11 installed first is a good idea.

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Install KB3050265

This seems to be the key to everything. Windows Updates and many later manual updates will just spin for hours on end until this one is installed.

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Install the Windows 7 rollup

This is the closest to SP2 that we’ll ever see for Windows 7. It includes most updates released after SP1 up until April 2016. It’s much faster than downloading and installing all of them individually via Windows Updates.

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NOTE: Read the Prerequisites section in the link. You will probably need to install “April 2015 servicing stack update for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 (KB3020369).” KB3020369 may not require a reboot. Reboot anyway!


Install July 2016 update rollup

NOTE – adding this step 10/26/16 after reports that it helps move things along.

Install the July 2016 update rollup for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1:

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If you are like me and you want to deploy a Sonicwall and create a Private VPN between your Network and Amazon Web Service.. This can give you an hard time and you to understand the Sonicwall / Amazon to get this working. Dell Create a procedure for that, first link on Google and to be honest… 75% is working…

This is an Update Version of this Procedure, I will add some screen shot a bit Later On.. But if you have Knowledge in VPN and Sonicwall This might give you the part missing.

My first attempt The VPN was setup but no traffic in between..

Important Information:


  • For the BGP (Dynamic Routing) even if your Sonicwall support it in the Specs…You need a Sonicwall License Upgrade call SonicOS Expanded…  Good News. The Static Will Work!
  • Tested with Sonic OS 6.2+

Amazon Site.

Go to VPC

Steps :

  • 1. Initializing the VPC (You can use the default)
  • 2. Creating the Subnet (You can use the default)
  • 3. Creating the Virtual Private Gateway
  • 4. Attaching the Virtual Private Gateway to the VPC
  • 5. Creating a Customer Gateway
  • 6. Create the VPN Connections
  • 7. Define the Route Tables

1 – Initializing the VPC (VPC it’s the Private Cloud- I can compare it to a router)

If you have no VPC, Create One and assigned a VPC CIDR (IP Range like :

2 – Creating the Subnet (Network Range visible to the EC2 Instance and also the private Network accessible over the VPN)

Create a Subnet attached to your VPN like

3 – Creating the Virtual Private Gateway

Create a Virtual Private Gateway (This is the “Amazon side of the VPN”)

4 – Attaching the Virtual Private Gateway to the VPC

(Select the VPG) and attach to VPC

5 – Creating a Customer Gateway

The Customer Gateway it’s the Sonicwall Specs.

  • Name Tag (A Friendly name to define the service)
  • Routing (Static)
  • IP Address : The WAN IP of the Sonicwall

6 – Create the VPN Connections

VPN Connections – Create

  • NameTag (A Friendly name to define the service)
  • Virtual Private Gateway (The one Created at Step 3)
  • Customer Gateway (The one Created at Step 5)
  • Routing Options (Choose Static)
  • Static IP Prefixes it’s your LAN NETWORK (

Download the configuration File in the Format : Generic / Generic / Vendor Agnostic *** KEEP IT FOR FUTUR STEPS

7 – Go to Route Table

Select the Route available – Click on Route and Edit the following :

Add 2 routes :

Destination : / 0      Target : Virtual Private Gateway (it’s Amazon ID – Steps 3)

Destination : / 24 (YOUR LAN NETWORK) Target : Virtual Private Gateway (it’s Amazon ID – Steps 3)

GoTo Route Propagation Tab and Edit and Set Propagate to Yes



Open the Text File you Downloaded at Steps 6.

The important Information it’s under : IPSec Tunnel #1

Go to VPN :

  • Add…
  • General : 
  • Policy Type : Tunnel Interface
  • Name : Friendly Name Me : AWS VPN
  • IPSec Primary Gateway Name (Take the Outside IP Addresses– Virtual Private Gateway)
  • Shared Secret (In the Text File : Pre-Shared Key)
  • Local IKE ID: (Take the Outside IP Addresses– Customer Gateway)
  • Peer IKE ID: (Take the Outside IP Addresses– Virtual Private Gateway)
  • Proposals : (Double check the spec in the Text Files)
  • Phase 1
  • Exchange : Main Mode
  • DH Group : Group 2
  • Encryption : AES-128
  • Authentication : SHA1
  • Life Time : 28800
  • Phase 2
  • Protocol : ESP
  • Encryption : AES-128
  • Authentication SHA1
  • Check the Check Box Enable Perfect Foward Secrecy
  • DH Group : Group 2
  • Life time : 28800
  • Advanced
  • Check Enable Keep Alive
  • VPN Policy Bound to : Interface X1

Clic OK at this point you should have within couple of seconds the VPN UP.. but the trouble begin 🙂

Go to the Menu VPN / Advanced

  • UnCheck : Enable NAT Traversal

Go to the Menu Network / Interfaces

Add Interface (Zone VPN)

  • VPN policy Select : AWS VPN
  • Name : AWSVPN
  • Static Ip Mode
  • IP Address : In the Text Files : (Inside IP Addresses – Customer Gateway) This can be 169.254.x.x
  • Subnet Mark : In the Text Files : (Inside IP Addresses – Customer Gateway) This can be
  • Add This.

Go to the Menu Network / Routing

Under Route Policies

  • Add
  • Source : Lan Subnets
  • Destination : Create a New Object
    • Name : AWSNetwork
    • Zone Assignement : VPN
    • Type : Network
    • Network : The VPC CIDR CREATED AT STEP 1 (
  • Service : ANY
  • Interface :  AWSVPN (The only created at the previous step)
  • Metric : 1

Go to Menu Firewal / Access Rules

from VPN to LAN

Add :

  • from : VPN
  • to : LAN
  • Source Port : Any
  • Service : Any
  • Sources : AWSNetwork (Created at the previous steps)
  • Destination : Any
  • Always On


*** Create the Reverse now :

from LAN to VPN

Add :

  • from : LAN
  • to : VPN
  • Source Port : Any
  • Service : Any
  • Sources : Any
  • Destination : AWSNetwork (Created at the previous steps)
  • Always On


NOW THE EC2 Instance :

Network and Security

  • Security Groups (Select the group, go to inbound tab then EDIT)
    • Add Rules
      • All traffic
      • Protocol : All
      • Port Range : 0 – 65535
      • Source : Custom IP
      • Your LAN :


EC2 :

select one of your instance :

Action / Manage Private IP

Set a Private IP from the RANGE you Define in Step 2 (Subnet).

ex :

From your Network test the ping :

You Should have an answer!





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I recently had an issue with a VM 2012 R2 domain controller. Unable to open the DNS Server Access Denied, (Event id 4000 – 4017 – 4018). The network location on the domain controler switch from the Network Location Domain to Public. Network Share was not available. All services works fine on the domain controller, the server is slower to reboot.

To Fix the issue :

netdom resetpwd /server:<> /userd:<Domain\domain_admin> /passwordd:*




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Please run this in a powershell administratif

Import-Module MSOnline
$O365Cred = Get-Credential
$O365Session = New-PSSession –ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $O365Cred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $O365Session -AllowClobber
Connect-MsolService –Credential $O365Cred

Use 365 Administrator Credential

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I will not take the credit for the solution, but if you want you F11 Key work normally on a Mac (usefull when you install ESXi or remote console on server)….

In Settings, Mission Control, UnBind the F11 / F12 Key to nothing

Source :


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For people using 365 and send a lot of email to Mac people. Mac users can received email with attachment winmail.dat but they can’t open it.

This behavior occur when user within Outlook send email in a RTF format.

To force a conversion from RTF to HTML, connect to Office 365 with PowerShell (check on my blog for the login information).

Then run the following
Set-RemoteDomain Default -TNEFEnabled $false

The command will convert the RTF to HTML to all domains.

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After setting up your SSTP connection in Windows 10, by default, the Use Remote Default Gateway on Remote Network is checked. So all your traffic, with pass over the VPN and this can slow down your Internet Traffic.

By default in Windows 10 if you try to change your Adapter Options, After you right Clic on your SSTP connection, Properties, Networking, TCP/IP V4, and Properties.. Nothing Happen!

To workaround this :

Open a PowerShell as Administrator

Type : Get-VpnConnection

Take note of the Name

Type : Set-VpnConnection -Name “NamePreviouslyNoted” -SplitTunneling $True

This will enable the Split Tunneling .


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After a brand new install of Windows 10, I try to sync my Office 365 Business Documents with my box, when I click the Sync Button, the Office 365 Log In Box prompt. I entered my credential and the sign in button is “stuck” nothing append.

To fix this you need first to kill in the Windows Tray the One Drive Business Icon and exist the apps.

Go to Control Panel, Internet Options, Security, Trusted Sites.

Add : and

Replace the “365account” with your current 365 Sharepoint URL.

Close the IE Option, Re-try the sync button with the credential and you will be good to go.