Install MySQL – Centos

How to install MySQL

  1. Install MySQL
    yum install mysql-server mysql php-mysql

How to configure MySQL

  1. Set the MySQL service to start on boot
    chkconfig –levels 235 mysqld on
  2. Start the MySQL service
    service mysqld start
  3. Log into MySQL
    mysql -u root
  4. Set the root user password for all local domains
    mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD
  5. Exit MySQL


Install WebMin – Centos

Installing Webmin on CentOS (Using YUM Repository)

If you like to install and update Webmin via RPM, create the /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo file containing :


name=Webmin Distribution Neutral



You should also fetch and install GPG key with which the packages are signed, with the command :

rpm –import

You will now be able to install with the command :

yum install webmin


Vautour Theme for Nagios

Install the Vautour Interface for Nagios For CentOS 5.5

cd /root/Desktop



Copy your Nagios Folder (Always Backup!)

cp -r /usr/share/nagios /usr/share/nagiosbk

Extract the Vautour Theme

unzip -d /usr/share/nagios

Overwrite All files

Refresh your web Page.

Nagios – Centos

I will give some info on the deployment of Nagios the Monitoring software (Can monitor Windows or Linux).


Installation Key Points:

  •  Install CentOS from net Install – Version 5.5 (

Nagios Installation Key Points

After you installed the system log in as root and run update the system:

yum update

If the kernel was updated reboot the system.



Now we have to include the rpmforge repository to install Nagios 3.0.x.
If you are not familiar with installing repostiorys using yum read this.

yum install yum-priorities


Install RPMForge


Now install the Nagios software:

yum install nagios nagios-plugins nagios-devel nagios-plugins-nrpe


You need to disable SELinux if you want to start nagios or you have to modify the configuration of SELinux. I will only explain the easier way to disable SELinux.



set the SELinux to warn or disabled.

Allow http traffic to you machine:



Set the nagiosadmin password:

htpasswd -c /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin


The username has to be nagiosadmin otherwise you will not have accessrights.

Add Nagios to your runlevels:

chkconfig –levels 35 nagios on


Add httpd to your runlevels:


chkconfig –levels 35 httpd on

Start the two services:

service httpd start

service nagios start


Connect to your Nagios Interface:



QNAP – How to limit the replication

To Limit the upload speed for data replication with QNAP, you need to specify the QoS on your Firewall or Router or Switch. The QNAP doesn’t have any built in speed limit parameters for the replication.

For the limitation create a QoS or Bandwith limitation on the TCP protocol and the port it’s 873.

LAN -> Media States : Authentication Failed !?!


Media State: Authentication failed

Network card status reports error Media State: Authentication failed.

In Microsoft Windows Vista / Win 7 / 2008 / 2008 R2.

If the domain network is not using a radius connection you may need change the Authentication settings of the network card.

In the properties of the network card click on the Authentication tab and unselect Enable IEEE 802.1x authentication.

Exchange Distribution Groups – Receiving External emails not working

Exchange 2007 have a default behavior : when you create a new distribution group and try to send an email from an external address, the email is not receiving by this group. Internal email are working :

To change this setting go to :

  • Exchange Management Console
  • Select the distribution Group, Right-Clic, Properties
  • Select Mail Flow Settings Tab
  • Select Message Delivery Restrictions and Properties
  • Remove the check box : Require that all senders are authenticated.

Clic Ok, and test!