I was searching to send Nagios alert email from a CentOS box. Normally when you setup your sendmail using a smart relay. The default email it’s always :
username@linux_hostname_fqdn. or nagios@nagiossrv.domain.local
to replace the @nagiossrv.domain.local. The only way I figure it out.
I modified the *** modify the hostname to have your domain name
change the cyberblogue.com for your domain name.
Now I modified the Host File.
/etc/hosts cyberblogue.com nagiossrv.cyberblogue.com localhost …..
::1 cyberblogue.com nagiossrv.cyberblogue.com localhost …..
I added my domain first, after my server name.
Restart the server
Test your Nagios notification, this should be now from : nagios@cyberblogue.com (or in your case nagios@yourdomain.com
This should work.