IMAP – 365 Migration Export Outlook – iOS doesnt show subfolder – folder structure


I found an issue when exporting the user mailboxes from Outlook and Importing into 365.

All the data is there, including the tree structure. But you setup the connection on iOS and No SubFolder structure is there.

In Outlook if you right click on the folder the Type Will be An IMAP including a status : Filtered in the status Bar vs Item and Post as a Normal Folder.

To fix This issue : Run this Macro, this will let you select your TOP Folder and this will applied to the SubFolder.

Change Subfolders

This version of the macro above will walk the folder list and change all folders from IPF.Imap to IPF.Note. This uses the folder picker and you can choose the root folder (top of mailbox) to run it on all folders in your mailbox or a parent folder to run it only on that folder and it’s subfolders.

How to use macros

First: You will need macro security set to low during testing.

To check your macro security in Outlook 2010 or 2013, go to File, Options, Trust Center and open Trust Center Settings, and change the Macro Settings. In Outlook 2007 and older, it’s at Tools, Macro Security.

After you test the macro and see that it works, you can either leave macro security set to low.

Open the VBA Editor by pressing Alt+F11 on your keyboard.

To put the code in a module:

  1. Right click on Project1 and choose Insert > Module
  2. Copy and paste the macro into the new module
Option Explicit
Dim SubFolder As MAPIFolder

Sub ChangeFolderClassAllSubFolders()
    Dim i               As Long
    Dim iNameSpace      As NameSpace
    Dim myOlApp         As Outlook.Application
    Dim ChosenFolder    As Object
    Dim Folders         As New Collection
    Dim EntryID         As New Collection
    Dim StoreID         As New Collection
    Set myOlApp = Outlook.Application
    Set iNameSpace = myOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set ChosenFolder = iNameSpace.PickFolder
    If ChosenFolder Is Nothing Then
GoTo ExitSub:
    End If

    Call GetFolder(Folders, EntryID, StoreID, ChosenFolder)
    For i = 1 To Folders.Count
        Set SubFolder = myOlApp.Session.GetFolderFromID(EntryID(i), StoreID(i))
        On Error Resume Next
        On Error GoTo 0
    Next i     
End Sub
Private Sub ChangeFolderContainer()
Dim oFolder As Outlook.folder
Dim oPA As Outlook.PropertyAccessor
Dim PropName, Value, folderType As String

PropName = ""
Value = "IPF.Note"

On Error Resume Next
Set oFolder = SubFolder 'Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
Set oPA = oFolder.PropertyAccessor

folderType = oPA.GetProperty(PropName)
Debug.Print SubFolder.Name & " " & (folderType)

If folderType = "IPF.Imap" Then

oPA.SetProperty PropName, Value
Debug.Print "     Changed: " & SubFolder.Name & " " & Value

End If

Set oFolder = Nothing
Set oPA = Nothing
End Sub
Sub GetFolder(Folders As Collection, EntryID As Collection, StoreID As Collection, Fld As MAPIFolder)
    Dim SubFolder       As MAPIFolder
    Folders.Add Fld.FolderPath
    EntryID.Add Fld.EntryID
    StoreID.Add Fld.StoreID
    For Each SubFolder In Fld.Folders
        GetFolder Folders, EntryID, StoreID, SubFolder
    Next SubFolder
    Set SubFolder = Nothing
End Sub

Reference :

Fix the Outlook Folder Type after Exporting an IMAP Account


Script to set internal and external URLs on all of your Exchange Virtual Directories at once

I will not take the credit for this But really nice scripts.

Copy this to a text file, save it with a .ps1 extension, and then open it and run it from the Exchange Management Shell ( ./.ps1 )

#Changing InternalURL Path
$urlpath = Read-Host “Type Internal Client Access FQDN starting with http:// or https://”
Set-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory -Identity * –internalurl “$urlpath/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml”
Set-ClientAccessServer –Identity * –AutodiscoverServiceInternalUri “$urlpath/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml”
Set-webservicesvirtualdirectory -Identity * –internalurl “$urlpath/ews/exchange.asmx”
Set-oabvirtualdirectory –Identity * –internalurl “$urlpath/oab”
Set-owavirtualdirectory –Identity * –internalurl “$urlpath/owa”
Set-ecpvirtualdirectory –Identity * –internalurl “$urlpath/ecp”
Set-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -Identity * -InternalUrl “$urlpath/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync”
#Changing ExternalURL Path
$urlpath2 = Read-Host “Type External Client Access FQDN starting with http:// or https://”
Set-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory -Identity * –externalurl “$urlpath2/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml”
Set-ClientAccessServer –Identity * –AutodiscoverServiceInternalUri “$urlpath2/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml”
Set-webservicesvirtualdirectory –Identity * –externalurl “$urlpath2/ews/exchange.asmx”
Set-oabvirtualdirectory –Identity * –externalurl “$urlpath2/oab”
Set-owavirtualdirectory –Identity * –externalurl “$urlpath2/owa”
Set-ecpvirtualdirectory –Identity * –externalurl “$urlpath2/ecp”
Set-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -Identity * -ExternalUrl “$urlpath/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync”
#get commands to doublecheck the config
get-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory | fl identity,internalurl, externalurl
get-ClientAccessServer | fl identity,AutodiscoverServiceInternalUri
get-webservicesvirtualdirectory | fl identity,internalurl,externalurl
get-oabvirtualdirectory | fl identity,internalurl,externalurl
get-owavirtualdirectory | fl identity,internalurl,externalurl
get-ecpvirtualdirectory | fl identity,internalurl,externalurl
get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory | fl identity,internalurl,externalurl

Reference :

Moving EC2 Instance from one account to another

When you move the EC2 instance from one account to another you can follow this procedure it’s working fine, except for one details.

After Creating the snapshot, when you log into the target location and you try to create an Instance from the AMI, you need to be in the same region as the source to access the snapshot.

To validate your region look at the top right corner, on the right of you account Name the region is there. Be Sure the Region is the same for the source and the destination!

Polycom – VoIP – Asterix – Sonicwall – Cisco Swiches – Phones unRegistered or disconnected


Troubleshooting note for a situation (a brand new installation) but the VoIP phone got disconnected randomly.

Equipments :

  • Phone Polycom
  • PBX : asterisk
  • Switches : Cisco SG-300
  • Sonicwall Soho (TZ Series)

Let’s start with the switch. Cisco have a feature enabled by default called : “Green Ethernet” if you have a non managed switch. Simply : Trash it. Purchase a switch : Netgear GS105E-200NAS

For Managed switch, there’s a more simple solution, turn off the Green Ethernet and the 802.3 Energy Saving



In the Firewall Rules, OpenUP the port : 5000 up to 5500 UDP, 10000-20000 UDP and TCP – Any to Any (Incoming)

In the VoIP Section :

Check Enable Consistent Nat and Check Enable SIP Transformation and 


The MOST IMPORTANT is this setting :

Disable the DPI Setting :

In the Firewall, Advanced, Connections switch the option to Maximum SPI connection (DPI Services Disabled)


After those changes you need to Reboot the Sonicwall appliance.

Monitor the phones and they should stay connected “forever”.



Office 365 PowerShell Connection

Please run this in a powershell administratif

Import-Module MSOnline
$O365Cred = Get-Credential
$O365Session = New-PSSession –ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $O365Cred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $O365Session -AllowClobber
Connect-MsolService –Credential $O365Cred

Use 365 Administrator Credential

F11 Key on Mac


I will not take the credit for the solution, but if you want you F11 Key work normally on a Mac (usefull when you install ESXi or remote console on server)….

In Settings, Mission Control, UnBind the F11 / F12 Key to nothing

Source :


Disable Winmail.dat on 365


For people using 365 and send a lot of email to Mac people. Mac users can received email with attachment winmail.dat but they can’t open it.

This behavior occur when user within Outlook send email in a RTF format.

To force a conversion from RTF to HTML, connect to Office 365 with PowerShell (check on my blog for the login information).

Then run the following
Set-RemoteDomain Default -TNEFEnabled $false

The command will convert the RTF to HTML to all domains.

PPTP / IPSEC / SSTP Unable to set Split Tunneling in Windows 10


After setting up your SSTP connection in Windows 10, by default, the Use Remote Default Gateway on Remote Network is checked. So all your traffic, with pass over the VPN and this can slow down your Internet Traffic.

By default in Windows 10 if you try to change your Adapter Options, After you right Clic on your SSTP connection, Properties, Networking, TCP/IP V4, and Properties.. Nothing Happen!

To workaround this :

Open a PowerShell as Administrator

Type : Get-VpnConnection

Take note of the Name

Type : Set-VpnConnection -Name “NamePreviouslyNoted” -SplitTunneling $True

This will enable the Split Tunneling .


Windows 10 – One Drive Business 365 Sign In Button not working

After a brand new install of Windows 10, I try to sync my Office 365 Business Documents with my box, when I click the Sync Button, the Office 365 Log In Box prompt. I entered my credential and the sign in button is “stuck” nothing append.

To fix this you need first to kill in the Windows Tray the One Drive Business Icon and exist the apps.

Go to Control Panel, Internet Options, Security, Trusted Sites.

Add : and

Replace the “365account” with your current 365 Sharepoint URL.

Close the IE Option, Re-try the sync button with the credential and you will be good to go.